There is only ONE of you. That makes you a precious commodity

Through body-based therapies and energy management techniques, I can help you to let go of the tension and stress in your life and build resilience to cope with life on a daily basis!

There is only ONE of you. That makes you a precious commodity

Through body-based therapies and energy management techniques, I can help you to let go of the tension and stress in your life and build resilience to cope with life on a daily basis!

About Me

I can help you to let go of the tension and stress in your life

To find your calling in life is truly an amazing experience. And this is what happened to me!

I am a qualified TRE Provider and HeartMath Coach.  I come from a Corporate Background which made up most of my professional career.  However, there was always this gap or longing that I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to do and that I was not fulfilling my purpose.

Through dealing with my own trauma and living in a state of continuous stress and tension for many years, I finally gave up. I needed a change.  This has led me to discover the wonderful modality called TRE. TRE has changed my life.  Not only in a personal capacity by working through my own stress, trauma and grief but also by setting me on the path of finally doing what I was meant to do and what I love. 

About Me

I can help you to let go of the tension and stress in your life!

To find your calling in life is truly an amazing experience. And this is what happened to me!

I am a qualified TRE Provider and HeartMath Coach.  I come from a Corporate Background which made up most of my professional career.  However, there was always this gap or longing that I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to do and that I was not fulfilling my purpose.


of people report feeling extreme stress


of people experience stress that affects their physical health


of people have stress that impacts their mental health


of people have trouble sleeping because of stress


of people report feeling extreme stress


of people experience stress that affects their physical health


of people have stress that impacts their mental health


of people have trouble sleeping because of stress

Trauma Releasing Exercises

What is TRE?

Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises is a simple set of movements that turns on our body’s natural re-balancing process – providing immediate relaxation.

It is a method designed to unlock your own genetic mechanism to be able to release the tension, stress, and trauma from our bodies.

  • Feeling tense and overwhelmed
  • Scared or anxious
  • Lack of drive and energy
  • Struggling to sleep
  • Headaches or stomach aches
  • Muscle aches or pains 

Then TRE can help you!

  • TRE is a simple, innovative series of exercises that anyone can do with or without assistance.
  • It assists the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma.
  • TRE safely activates a natural reflex mechanism that releases muscular tension. 
  • This results in calming down the nervous system.
  • When the muscular vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return to a state of balance.
  • Less worry and anxiety;
  • Better sleep;
  • Decreased workplace stress;
  • Gets rid of trauma stored in the body;
  • Reduces symptoms of PTSD;
  • More energy and endurance;
  • Improved marital relationships;
  • Less relationship conflicts;
  • Reduces muscle and back pain
  • Increased flexibility;
  • Greater emotional resilience
  • Decreases symptoms of vicarious trauma;
  • Healing of old injuries;
  • Reduced anxiety surrounding serious illness; 
  • Relief from chronic medical conditions

Trauma Releasing Exercises

What is TRE?

Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises is a simple set of movements that turns on our body’s natural re-balancing process – providing immediate relaxation.

It is a method designed to unlock your own genetic mechanism to be able to release the tension, stress, and trauma from our bodies.

  • Feeling tense and overwhelmed
  • Scared or anxious
  • Lack of drive and energy
  • Struggling to sleep
  • Headaches or stomach aches
  • Muscle aches or pains 

Then TRE can help you!

  • TRE is a simple, innovative series of exercises that anyone can do with or without assistance.
  • It assists the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma.
  • TRE safely activates a natural reflex mechanism that releases muscular tension. 
  • This results in calming down the nervous system.
  • When the muscular vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return to a state of balance.
  • Less worry and anxiety;
  • Better sleep;
  • Decreased workplace stress;
  • Gets rid of trauma stored in the body;
  • Reduces symptoms of PTSD;
  • More energy and endurance;
  • Improved marital relationships;
  • Less relationship conflicts;
  • Reduces muscle and back pain
  • Increased flexibility;
  • Greater emotional resilience
  • Decreases symptoms of vicarious trauma;
  • Healing of old injuries;
  • Reduced anxiety surrounding serious illness; 
  • Relief from chronic medical conditions

Heart Math

What is HeartMath

A scientifically validated system of techniques and technologies that will help you to transform your stress, build your resilience and boost your performance.

This technology gives you insight into your emotional, mental, and physical state while the techniques help you to develop the ability to self-regulate and build resilience.

Your HeartMath Coach will guide you through 4-6 weekly sessions, and teach you techniques that will allow you to become more resilient every day.  You will learn how to self-regulate in difficult situations and how to build resilience in handling everyday life in order to make better decisions.

  • Improves your ability to focus
  • Improves sleep
  • Improvement in your state of calmness
  • Less anxiety
  • Less fatigue
  • Improves your mood (Drop in depression)

Heart Math

What is HeartMath

A scientifically validated system of techniques and technologies that will help you to transform your stress, build your resilience and boost your performance.

This technology gives you insight into your emotional, mental, and physical state while the techniques help you to develop the ability to self-regulate and build resilience.

Your HeartMath Coach will guide you through 4-6 weekly sessions, and teach you techniques that will allow you to become more resilient every day.  You will learn how to self-regulate in difficult situations and how to build resilience in handling everyday life in order to make better decisions.

  • Improves your ability to focus
  • Improves sleep
  • Improvement in your state of calmness
  • Less anxiety
  • Less fatigue
  • Improves your mood (Drop in depression)

Hands On Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system – comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams, practitioners release restrictions in the craniosacral system, which has been shown to improve the functioning of the central nervous system.

Craniosacral Therapy releases tension patterns through pressure techniques and soft touch.

CST creates gentle fascial release to assist the body in removing any stored physical or emotional restrictions. We use the fascial system in the body as it connects and surrounds every muscle, bone, cell and organ. Because the fascia runs throughout the body we are able to use the Cerebral Spinal Fluid or CSF rhythm to assess the restrictions in the body as it can be felt almost everywhere.

Soft pressure helps the fascia release and clients can experience sensations similar to TRE, for example tightness in the body, autonomic nervous system responses and/or emotional releases. CST is a wonderful way to ‘Introduce’ safety to the brain. CST can also loosen tight fascial areas and release cranial bones that can become dislodged as tension pulls through the upper body into the head.

CST assists in improving many other systems of the body, such as digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, and more. CST has also been shown to help with the physical components related to such somatic conditions as Post Traumatic Stress, depression and anxiety.

Hands-On Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy (CST)

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system – comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams, practitioners release restrictions in the craniosacral system, which has been shown to improve the functioning of the central nervous system.

Craniosacral Therapy releases tension patterns through pressure techniques and soft touch. CST creates gentle fascial release to assist the body in removing any stored physical or emotional restrictions. We use the fascial system in the body as it connects and surrounds every muscle, bone, cell and organ. Because the fascia runs throughout the body we are able to use the Cerebral Spinal Fluid or CSF rhythm to assess the restrictions in the body as it can be felt almost everywhere.

Soft pressure helps the fascia release and clients can experience sensations similar to TRE, for example tightness in the body, autonomic nervous system responses and/or emotional releases. CST is a wonderful way to ‘Introduce’ safety to the brain. CST can also loosen tight fascial areas and release cranial bones that can become dislodged as tension pulls through the upper body into the head.

CST assists in improving many other systems of the body, such as digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, and more. CST has also been shown to help with the physical components related to such somatic conditions as Post Traumatic Stress, depression and anxiety.

A girl receiving CST treatment, Osteopathic Manipulation and CranioSacral Therapy for children

Book your appointment today!

The new you starts with a small decision.

Book your appointment today!

WhatsApp Image 2022-01-27 at 12.17.18


What is Gaba?

GABA stands for Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid

Your brain produces GABA, a neurotransmitter or chemical messenger, to facilitate communication between your brain and your nervous system.


Collagen Powder

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a protein responsible for healthy joints and skin elasticity, or stretchiness. It comprises three quarters of your skin and a third of the protein in your body.

WhatsApp Image 2022-01-27 at 12.17.18


What is Gaba?

GABA stands for Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid

Your brain produces GABA, a neurotransmitter or chemical messenger, to facilitate communication between your brain and your nervous system.

It is both a chemical produced within the body AND a supplement that’s made for ingestion.

The most important function of GABA is in our brain. When GABA levels get too low, it’s difficult for the body to relax after a stress-induced neurotransmitter release.


Collagen Powder

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a protein responsible for healthy joints and skin elasticity, or stretchiness. It comprises three quarters of your skin and a third of the protein in your body. As you age, your existing collagen breaks down, and it gets harder for your body to produce more.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, especially type 1 collagen. It’s found in muscles, bones, skin, blood vessels, digestive system and tendons. It’s what helps give our skin strength and elasticity, along with replacing dead skin cells.